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Ancestry: February 7th

Hero: February 15th

Monsters: February 22nd

Text: March 1st

Woven Stories: March 8th

Settings: March 15th

Treasures: March 22nd

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The Beowulf Blog

...:::AML's Beowulf Guide:::...

Thursday, May 08, 2003

I have officially ended the Senior Project part of my Beowulf site, but I will continue my research - as a hobby. I have found too much satisfaction in my discoveries to quit altogether.

Thanks again to Dr. Morgan for his help in the design of the project and for Dr. Evans who gave me the inspiration to begin studying the Middle Ages.
~Ayleen~ at 8:14 PM

Saturday, May 03, 2003

The year coming to close and the the site is looking up and ready

I believe I have finally gotten finishing touches on the site and have gone through editing. I am hoping to continue the research and maybe add in information past Beowulf, more Middle Ages lifestyles that can compliment the poem and add a real background to such a work of literature.
~Ayleen~ at 10:12 PM

Thursday, May 01, 2003

Site is meeting my expectancies and exceeding

I am extremely happy with how my site looks. I turned from wanting it to be a very visual site and then suddenly began to believe a cleaner look would be better. As I looked for sites with information, I noticed I would trust those sites that had a clean look, no ads in their pages, and no silly graphics. I wanted information, not visual stimulation!

I have been planning on making each page have their runic section be flipped to know which page your on. That should only take a few minutes for that. Other than that, I have a few days of editing and adding small information bits to look forward to.
~Ayleen~ at 8:42 AM

Monday, April 28, 2003

I took a few hours to work on my "Woven" section on my website. This is the page I am most intrigued by - the myths they had known in those days and the things that brought about their values in society. Germanic heroes have such fascinating adventures and to contrast and compare them with Beowulf's story was ingenious.
~Ayleen~ at 1:42 PM

Tuesday, April 22, 2003

Going on strong!

I just uploaded a few new pages to my website - Beowulf Guide
*Monsters and Hero

A few pages are not put up yet but will be coming soon.
~Ayleen~ at 4:16 PM

Saturday, April 05, 2003

I just watched the 13th Warrior - I rented it from the Blockbuster down the street. I had seen it originally when it first came out and remember it being interesting. Now that I heard from Aspen that it is loosely based on beowulf, I had to rent it and try it again. It was fascinating looking for all the bits that go with the Beowulf poem. It also took me a long time in figuring out the character Antonio Banderas is supposed to be the original writer of the poem(Beowulf).

If you have read the poem and would like to see a different version of what may have happened (altho my background in history isn't extensive and it may be too inconsistant in details to be true) rent it and watch it. You might get a kick out of the visual aspect of it like I did.

I also rented the "Beowulf" with Christopher Lambert to see what that one might be like. I'll blog that movie when I get around to watching it.
~Ayleen~ at 10:59 PM

Monday, March 31, 2003


I have been discussing Beowulf with a lot of people these days. More than half have heard of Beowulf and know parts - especially Grendel. A lot haven't even thought of reading it. Maybe they didn't have to read it in highschool or they just don't remember. I vaguely remember it myself, but since coming to BSU and meeting Dr. Evans, I have come to fully appreciate it and have loved doing the research that I have, in order to understand the poem better than its face value.
~Ayleen~ at 9:06 PM

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